TestSo, I came home the other night from work, and my wife mentioned that a friend of ours had the ingenuous idea of a few grown adults going onto a rowboat in the middle of the lake in town, and lighting fireworks off on 4th of July weekend. For so […]
Building a successful business takes resources and commitment. After pouring time, energy, and financial equity into a business, it’s rewarding when your child takes an interest in what you do and becomes a part of it. Family and closely-held business owners will often gift ownership interests to their child as […]
Q. My partner and I have been in a same-sex relationship for about ten years. We entered into a civil union before New Jersey legalized same-sex marriage. We are in the process of having a child using an anonymous sperm donor, with my partner’s egg and my partner carrying the […]
If you are a resident looking to add an addition, pool or deck, for example, to your home, or a business looking to use or improve property, you may be required to apply for what is known as a Variance. The process, with its applications, board requirements, legal notices, and […]
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