TestIf you are a sole proprietorship or small business, then in the past six months, you have seen your income decline and accounts receivables and breached contracts skyrocket. Although your volume of business may be steady or even increasing, you may be struggling to collect from clients or clients may […]
…L.E. Our guest blogger is Timothy J. Ford, Esq. an associate with the firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC Tim practices in the closely held business group concentrating…
Gone are the days when business is done by paper. Now, agreements are signedelectronically, communications are in the form of emails and business is done through computers and smartphones.
Dear Ask the Attorney: What recourse do I have when your (sic) attorney dies and the firm abandons you? – Losing all because of Attorney Negligence Dear Losing All: Unfortunately, we cannot provide you with a specific answer to this question. There is not enough information supplied in your question. It […]