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Workers’ Compensation Blog


Under the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Act, an employee is entitled to compensation for an accidental injury if the employee’s injury arose out of and in the course of employment.  In a recent unpublished opinion, Mackoff v. New Brunswick Saw Service, A-3625-19, a salesman was injured in a motor vehicle […]

Employees who work for companies sometimes attend company sponsored events like picnics or dinners. When an employee gets injured at the event does the employee have the right to file a workers’ compensation claim in New Jersey workers’ compensation court? The New Jersey Supreme Court answered this question recently. In […]

On May 12, 2020, the New Jersey Supreme Court affirmed the Appellate Division in New Jersey Transit Corp. v. Sandra Sanchez (A-68-18)(082292), finding that New Jersey Transit could file a claim against a driver’s automobile policy to recover workers’ compensation benefits that NJ Transit had paid to an employee following […]

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