Dear Ask the Attorney: My ex-wife has family in Florida. Now, she wants to move down there from New Jersey with our kids because she wants them to be closer to her parents (their grandparents) because she says she can get a job in her field more easily down there […]
Related Attorney: Matheu D. Nunn
A “Date” Is NOT A Relationship: Appellate Division Rules That Single Date Is Not Sufficient To Establish A Dating Relationship Under The Prevention Of Domestic Violence Act
June 12, 2012 | by Matheu NunnOn June 6, 2012, the Appellate Division issued a published opinion in S.K. v. J.H., a caseinvolving an appeal from the entry of a Final Restraining Order. In that case, the Appellate Division reversed the trial court’s entry of a Final Restraining Order against J.H., which stemmed from an assault that J.H. committed against S.K. while the pair were in Israel.
The other day, after we published my blog post about the New Jersey Supreme Court’s “Animal House” decision, I received some emails about police searches in general. So, in response, I thought the below primer may be helpful to understand what the police can and cannot do to you, your car, and your home. I should note that search and seizure issues are among the most fact-sensitive aspects of a criminal case.
Drugs Found In Modern Day “Animal House” Suppressed By New Jersey Supreme Court
May 10, 2012 | by Matheu NunnIn State of New Jersey v. Derek J. Kaltner, the Supreme Court held that a trial court correctly suppressed (“threw out”) drug evidence found in a bedroom during a warrantless search of a residence by police officers who were responding to noise complaints.