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Settlements & Verdicts

$350,000 Settlement For Motorcycle Struck By Ambulance Van

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Plaintiff, aged thirty-five (35) years of age, was operating a motorcycle, with the right of way, in the City of Elizabeth, New Jersey. Defendant, operating a commercial ambulance van,  disregarding a stop sign and failed to yield the right of way at the intersection, striking Plaintiff. Plaintiff sustained severe injuries, including a collapsed right lung (pneumothorax) requiring the placement of a right sided pigtail chest tube; comminuted right scapular fracture; posterior right second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth acute rib fractures;  traumatic right plutomanic laceration with small right pleural effusion; right adrenal hemorrhage; traumatic right lacerated kidney; laceration of the left renal parenchymal urinary collecting system; and right posterior acetabular comminuted fracture. Upon arrival to the hospital, Plaintiff was admitted into the trauma ward.  Plaintiff remained inpatient until four days later with instructions to undergo physical and occupational therapy. Plaintiff underwent physical therapy for approximately 6 months. The case settled for a total amount of $  350,000.00.

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