TestAs the coronavirus pandemic continues, new variants are creating wave after wave of outbreaks. To lower infection rates, save lives and avoid lockdowns, the federal government had attempted to mandate that all employers with 100 or more employees require their workers to get fully vaccinated or undergo regular testing. However, […]
As published in McKnight’s Senior Living, October 5, 2020 For many senior living and care facilities and healthcare workers, the events and tragedies surrounding COVID-19 were by far the most challenging industry issue that they have ever encountered. During the initial surge of the virus, facilities were left scrambling for […]
As published in Modern Restaurant Management Magazine, May 8, 2020 Restaurants through the country are struggling with the following issues: whether to re-open, when to re-open and how to re-open. By no means are the answers to these questions straightforward. In most parts of the country, the answer is often […]
As seen in Modern Contractor Solutions, April 2020 Today’s construction company owners, managers, and supervisors need to have a clear understanding of the prevailing wage laws. Compliance with these laws is imperative, as the failure to comply can cause severe financial ramifications, and even debarment, for a construction company. This article […]