Matheu Nunn, Morristown High School alumnae, to speak at the inaugural C.A.M.P. (Colonials Alumni Mentoring Program).
November 21, 2014On December 2, 2014, Matheu D. Nunn, Esq., will be one of 24 Morristown High School alumnae speaking to current Morristown High School students at the inaugural C.A.M.P. Night (Colonials Alumni Mentoring Program). To read more about this program, please click on this link. Morristown High School
Mr. Nunn is an associate with the firm and is a frequent lecturer and has moderated seminars on appellate practice and family law featuring New Jersey Supreme Court Justices and New Jersey Appellate Division and Trial Court judges. He has also contributed as a panelist in seminars and lectures involving appellate practice, family law, and criminal law.
The lawyers of the New Jersey law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC practice in a wide variety of areas, including Personal Injury and Workers’ Compensation, Criminal Law, Family and Matrimonial Law, Employment Law, Closely-Held Business Law, Trusts & Estates/Taxation, and Real Estate, and Land Use and Zoning. With more than 50 years in practice, Einhorn Barbarito has developed a reputation for dedication to the community and its people for being there “Every Step of The Way”.