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Settlements & Verdicts

$570,000 Settlement for Injuries Sustained While Operating a Lathe

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Denville, NJ

Christopher L. Musmanno, personal injury attorney with Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, reached a settlement in the case of a 74 year old plaintiff. Plaintiff was employed by a temporary employment agency and was working as a maintenance technician at a manufacturing company. While using a lathe machine, the emery cloth in his left hand became caught in the spinning chuck, pulling his left arm into the machine, causing catastrophic and horrific injuries to his left hand, arm and shoulder. The lathe did not have any type of emergency stop mechanism. Plaintiff’s injuries were so severe, his treating physician opined that Plaintiff had reached maximum medical improvement and had to learn to adapt to the dramatic change in function and severe deficits he sustained as a result of the work injury. Plaintiff has no possibility of improving from his current functional level. The case settled for a total amount of $570,000.

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