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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Settlement for Injury from Dog Bite

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Denville, NJ

Christopher L. Musmanno, Esq., Chair of the Personal Injury Department and Certified Civil Trial Attorney with the law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC in Denville, NJ, announces a $100,000.00 settlement for injuries sustained by a minor from a dog bite.

Plaintiff is a minor. In May and July 2014, Plaintiff was viciously attacked by her mother’s boyfriend’s dog, resulting in severe and irreparable facial lacerations to the left side of her face. She sustained transverse laceration of the left cheek, measuring 3cm in length requiring 11 sutures and two facial lacerations approximately 1cm in length each, below the left eye. Plastic surgeons agree that the scarring was permanent and that the Plaintiff will likely require some type of plastic surgery in the next few years to lessen the scarring. The case was settled for $100,000 and the money will be placed in an interest bearing Surrogate’s Account which will be released to Plaintiff when she is 18 years of age.

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