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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Settlement for Auto Accident

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Denville, NJ

Christopher L. Musmanno, Esq., Chair of the Personal Injury Department and Certified Civil Trial Attorney with the law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, Denville, NJ announced a $100,000 settlement for injuries sustained during an automobile accident in February 2013. Plaintiff was a pedestrian in a crosswalk crossing Bassett Highway at its intersection with North Warren Street in Dover, NJ when she was struck by the defendant’s vehicle. She was lifted entirely off the ground and propelled the distance of approximately 5 to 10 feet. As a result of the accident, she sustained a disc herniation at L5-S1, with encroachment of the anterior aspect of the spinal canal. After conservative care failed to relieve her pain, she underwent lumbar diskectomy and fusion surgery at L5-S1 with hardware. Prior to the surgery, she had undergone and L5-S1 epidural steroid injection and a discography study which was positive at the L5-S1 level with posterior epidural dye leakage. The defendant had a $100,000.00 policy limit and the plaintiff did not have underinsured motorist coverage. The case was therefore settled for the $100,000.00 policy limit as this was the maximum amount of collectable insurance available.

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