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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Award for a Motor Vehicle Accident

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

March 1, 2018

In January 2016, Plaintiff was operating a vehicle when the defendant negligently failed to maintain his lane of travel, failed to maintain proper observations, and/or otherwise failed to take evasive action when he crossed over the double yellow lines, entered Plaintiff’s lane of travel and struck Plaintiff’s vehicle head on at an excessive rate of speed without warning.  The force of the impact was so great that it completely totaled both vehicles.

Plaintiff immediately complained of neck and back pain for which she was transported from the accident scene via ambulance to the hospital.  She underwent diagnostic tests, was administered pain medication and discharged under instructions to follow up with an orthopedic specialist.  She thereafter presented to her primary doctor and pursuant to her primary doctor’s advice, she then presented to a chiropractor and commenced a course of conservative treatment which consisted of chiropractic care, interlaminar cervical epidural steroid injection at C6-7, cervical paraspinal trigger point injection and a cervical epidural steroid injection at C7-T1.  After the chiropractic treatments and injections failed to alleviate her pain, she consulted with a neurosurgeon who then recommended fusion surgery with instrumentation.

The case settled for the $100,000.00 policy limit prior to the scheduling of a trial.

No lost wage claim asserted.  No defenses with respect to liability or damages.

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