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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Award for a Motor Vehicle Accident

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

January 1, 2018

In June 2015, Plaintiff was fully stopped in traffic when the Defendant struck Plaintiff’s vehicle in the rear suddenly and without warning.  She immediately complained of pain to her head, neck, and back.  Plaintiff’s vehicle sustained significant property damage and was subsequently declared a total loss as a result of this accident.

Plaintiff was transported via ambulance to the hospital where she was diagnosed with a chest wall injury, trunk injury, and a cervical sprain.  She was prescribed pain medication and discharged.

Thereafter, Plaintiff presented to her primary care physician and she was prescribed a muscle relaxant as well as pain medication.  When her pain failed to alleviate, she returned to her primary care physician and was referred and immediately commenced a course of physical therapy consisting of exercise activities, manual interventions, and modalities.  She thereafter underwent MRI testing to her cervical and thoracic spine which revealed a central disc herniation at C4-C5.  Given the severity of her injuries and the failure to respond to physical therapy, she presented to pain management specialist and underwent a cervical epidural steroid injection.   When she continued to have substantial pain in her neck and upper back, she underwent subsequent cervical and thoracic spine MRI tests which revealed right disc herniation at C7-T1; and left paracentral and foraminal herniation at T1-T2.   She thereafter underwent a second cervical epidural steroid injection at C7-T1.

Unfortunately, the injection only temporarily relieved her pain and her symptoms returned shortly thereafter and as a result, Plaintiff was indicated for and ultimately underwent surgery.

In January 2018, the case settled for the $100,000 policy limit with the Defendant’s insurance company, prior to the scheduling of a trial.

No lost wage claim asserted.  No defenses with respect to liability or damages.

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