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Related Practice: Family/Matrimonial


The American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) published the article “To Lie or Not to Lie – That is the Question,” authored by Einhorn Barbarito partner Bonnie Frost, in the April edition of the AAML’s newsletter. The article discusses how the legal system is built upon all parties telling the […]

The New Jersey Law Journal published “Retirement, Alimony and the Equitable Distribution ‘Double Dip’” co-authored by Einhorn Barbarito partner Matheu D. Nunn who is co-chair of the firm’s Family/Matrimonial Practice and Appellate Practice, Einhorn Barbarito associates Alyssa DeFuria, Jessie M. Mills, Linda Torosian, and attorney Alyssa S. Engleberg. The authors discuss whether an alimony payor can be forced […]

Andrew S. Berns, chair of the employment and commercial litigation practice at Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, and Matheu D. Nunn, chair of the firm’s appellate and family law practices, scored a precedential reversal as Amicus Curiae for their clients, Certified Court Reporters Association of New Jersey. The case is State Shorthand Reporting Services Inc. […]

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