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Related Practice: Employment


Andrew S. Berns, chair of the employment and commercial litigation practice at Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, and Matheu D. Nunn, chair of the firm’s appellate and family law practices, scored a precedential reversal as Amicus Curiae for their clients, Certified Court Reporters Association of New Jersey. The case is State Shorthand Reporting Services Inc. […]

In an article in’s Employment Law section, “HR Can Help Prevent Misappropriation of Trade Secrets,” employment and corporate attorney Alex Lee weighed in on how companies can protect their trade secrets from misappropriation by employees. “Misappropriation sometimes can be avoided by making sure employees are educated about the employer’s […]

In “Expanding the Talent Tent,” #Evolve magazine and WorldatWork reporter Mark McGraw notes that employers are expanding their candidate pools, as more types of jobs can be performed by gig workers who can work anywhere, anytime. He turned to Andrew S. Berns, partner and Chair of Einhorn Barbarito’s Commercial Litigation […]

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