TestFor those of you that do not know, when you get a driver’s license at the ripe age of 17, you have implied your consent to take a breath test to determine your blood alcohol content (a test to determine whether you are driving while intoxicated). Stated differently, you must […]
By now you have all read about, or heard about, the controversy surrounding the Christie Administration and the closure of lanes on the Fort Lee side of the George Washington Bridge. What you may not know is that the participants (the planners) may face criminal prosecution based on New Jersey’s […]
Dear Ask the Attorney: My daughter is being bullied in school and online. She is a middle schooler and comes home crying every single day since school started this year. We have gone through the “proper” channels at school but are finding out that nothing is being done to the […]
On September 9, 2013, the Supreme Court of New Jersey affirmed an Appellate Division decision in State v. Handy authored by the Hon. Jack M. Sabatino, J.A.D., which focused on a not-so-frequent scenario facing trial courts in criminal cases – the rare circumstance where a criminal defendant has both a substantive defense (like self-defense, for example) to a criminal prosecution and grounds to claim not guilty by reason of insanity.
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