TestThese are scary times for everyone not knowing where the virus is and when it can rear its ugly head to harm us. People are anxious about so many things – Where can I get food for my family? How can I educate my children every day and work from […]
This crisis is one which no one has ever experienced before. There is no template on how to respond, but, for sure, not only is real medical data sobering, the atmosphere of fear is everywhere, putting people on edge. Divorced parents are no different. Divorced parents or those who are […]
Many parents are unable to save for college and rely on aid, scholarships, grants and loans (student and parent) to pay for their child’s education. It is a daunting expense as every year the cost of college goes up even though there has been little or no inflation or increase […]
New Jersey is a state where, upon divorce, all issues as to the parties must be resolved. It is unlike some other states, which will grant the parties a divorce but will then continue to litigate support and equitable distribution. New Jersey will not bifurcate the granting of a divorce […]
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