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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Settlement for Head-On Collision

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Denville, NJ

Christopher L. Musmanno, Esq., Chair of the Personal Injury Department and Certified Civil Trial Attorney with the law firm of Einhorn, Barbarito, Frost & Botwinick, PC, Denville, NJ, announces a $100,000 settlement for a head-on collision. Plaintiff was traveling in an easterly direction on Route 10 when another vehicle lost control and struck her vehicle head on. As a result of the accident, the plaintiff underwent anterior cervical discektomy and fusion surgery. While her case was worth significantly more money, the maximum amount of insurance available to collect from the defendant was $100,000.00, which Ms. Rivas collected and settled her case prior to trial.

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