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Cimmerian Morgan Quoted In Law360 Article, “COVID-19 Makes For Socially Distanced NJ Bar Convention”

April 14, 2020

As published by Law360, April 13, 2020
By Jeannie O’Sullivan

The New Jersey State Bar Association convention’s online format this year will hamper the social and networking highlights that make it far more than just an educational seminar, Garden State attorneys said Monday as they lamented yet another event scaled back by the COVID-19 pandemic.

One draw for this year’s convention is what appear to be cheaper registration fees than in previous years, Einhorn Barbarito Frost & Botwinick PC partner Cimmerian A. Morgan said. The fees top out at $99 for association members, while public interest attorneys and judges pay $49 and students and law clerks attend for free.

A faithful convention attendee for all of his 14 years at the Denville, New Jersey-based firm, Morgan said he’ll miss some social aspects, such as the annual dinners he shares with his firm and networking with forensic accountants.

Yet since online courses are nothing new for the association, Morgan doubts a virtual convention will fall short when it comes to quality education offerings.

“I don’t have any worry that they’re not going to be able to technologically deliver the goods,” he said.

Click here to read article in its entirety.





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