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Settlements & Verdicts

$100,000 Total Settlement For Motor Vehicle Accident

Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

Plaintiff, is presently seventy-two (72) years. He was operating a motor vehicle which was struck on the front driver’s side by another motor vehicle who disregarded a stop sign, attempting to cross an intersection. As contained in the business record of the police report, a witness stated that he observed the crash and that Defendant never stopped at the stop sign. The force of the impact was so great that it resulted in extreme property damage. Both vehicles were towed and disabled. As a result of this accident, Plaintiff sustained injuries, including a high signal disc herniation at C6-7 without any evidence of changes due to aging. Plaintiff sought treatment through various providers and eventually saw two surgeons who recommended that he undergo an anterior C6-C7 discectomy and fusion procedure with instrumentation. During the surgery, the operating surgeon identified and removed a moderate size left paracentral C6-C7 disc herniation that was compressing nerve roots in his spine. The case settled for a total amount available, $ 100,000.00.

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